Emerging Writer Fellowships / 2022 Finalists & Honorable Mentions

The Emerging Writer Fellowships program is a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that attracts an overwhelmingly gifted group of fantastic writers. We’d like to acknowledge – and introduce them to you – here:


Timea Balogh, The Stone Men

Audrey Gutierrez, The Fractures of Nos Castillo

Hurmat Kazmi, Sissies

Juan Fernando Villagomez, Rail Dogs


Jada Allen, Black Calamus

Asa Elko, The Only Ones Without Wings

Eduardo Martinez-Leyva, Cowboy Park

Oak Morse, Magenta

Jake Phillips, To Want Too Much

Megan Pinto, Saints of Little Faith

Giovannai Rosa, We Still Eat Sugar

Hannah Whiteman, Slough


Jonathan Gleason, A Field Guide to Falling Ill

Saba Sebhatu, The World Not Yet Whole

Victoria Simon, Stories from the Pale and Beyond


Laura Organero, Montefeliz



Christopher Alonso, Miami, Atlantis

Catalina Bartlett, Comadres: Stories

Christina Berke, The Women

Bella Bravo, Smoke Fills the Palace

Joan Cherilien, Makandal

December Cuccaro, Grief-Giver

Adachioma Ezeano, Home is a Bruised Girl

Miguel Guerrero Becerra, Tempestad

John T. Howard, Monsters We Then Made

Katherine Hur, Rabbit in the Moon

Oluwabambi Ige, Bone and Soil

Julian Iralu, Cotton Candy Smile

David Kennedy, The Bargainer

Neshat Khan, Gifted

Juliana Lamy, Agwe Returns Home to Find—

Michelle Lee, motherland

Jared Lemus, Guatemalan Rhapsody

Dina Mousa, The Dew of Men

Stephen Narain, Nirvana

Dana Pina, Sweet Carolina

Crystal Powell, Transposition

Malorie Reid, All the Things Unsaid

Maria Robinson, Two Winters

Taylor Sezen, Yona

Avigayl Sharp, Uncontrollable, Irrelevant

Sandra Sidi, The Garden of Israel Will Never Sleep

Steffi Sin, Bird with No Legs

Alison Sprout, Unsung, Undone

Noah Thomas, Failure to Launch

Jennifer Tubbs, Starseed


Lissa Batista, Birth Chart

Pierce Brown, Elhannon

Cristi Donoso, Certain Species of Want

Eddie Krzeminski, Heat Waves

Jarrett Moseley, In this strange light

Aria Pahari, Threat Perception

Phuong Pham Lan, Drowning Dragon

Srestha Sen, Nice Face

Sydney Smith, It’s strange to think it’s normal

Daniella Toosie-Watson, What We Do With God


Radhiyah Ayobami, How to Break All the Heavenly Rules

Jessica Ciccarelli, Almost Home

Opal Gayle, The Taste of Ashes

Grace Gilbert, holly

Maya Gonzales, The Story of the Little Brown Family

Daniel Melchior Jr., The Silk Finisher

Jason Prokowiew, Raised by Wolves

Ebony Rhodes, The Geoveritas

Rachael Yahne, Her, After


Ana Amaya, Las Tres Gracias

Noraya Ccoyure, Boulevard de animales

Alfonso Felix, Mi Gran Novela Americana

Pedro Mieles, El diario de la noche

Rogelio Orizondo, El soldadito escribano

Robert Anthony Quinones Rivera, Vórtice, una revelación de luz y agua

Marby Reyes, Hasta que la muerte los separe

Alvaro Vásquez, Peregrinaje

The Miami Book Fair Emerging Writer Fellowships program is supported by The Jorge M. Peréz Family Foundation at The Miami Foundation, the Green Family Foundation, Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation, the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, and the Florida Department of State Division of Arts and Culture.