Creating Cultural Miami = Priceless
Support the Miami Book Fair and be part of Miami's commitment to expanding and strengthening Miami's literary culture.
ReadCaribbean programming features extensive Caribbean-specific events, including readings and panel discussions, storytelling for children, music and more, plus publishers at Street Fair. When appropriate, author events will take place in Creole or French with simultaneous translation into English.
ReadCaribbean se yon bèl pwogram ki selebre tout mèvèy pitit Karayib la reyalize nan domèn kiltirèl e literè. Li òganize deba ak konferans, lekti ak tout kalite aktivite pou timoun, fim ayisyen, dans, mizik, elatriye. Distribitè liv ap pran lari a pou yo pandan Street Fair la. Lè sa apwopriye, prezantasyon ekriven yo ap an kreyòl oswa franse, avèk entèpretasyon similtane nan lang angle.
A very special thank you to Jan Mapou, Myrtha Wroy, Jerry Delince, Cergine Cator, and Sherley Louis members, of Sosyete Koukouy who collaborate with Miami Book Fair on ReadCaribbean programs, including the Little Haiti Book Festival, that takes place annually in May. Established in 1985, Sosyete Koukouy is dedicated to preserving Haitian culture in the United States . Their mission is the preservation, perpetuation and presentation of Haitian cultural performances and exhibitions, to Creole and non-Creole-speaking audiences.
Yon kokennchenn mèsi bay Jan Mapou, Myrtha Wroy, Jerry Delince, Cergine Cator, ak Sherley Louis, ki se manm Sosyete Koukouy e kolaboratè Miami Book Fair nan kad pwogram ReadCaribbean lan, avèk paregzanp Little Haiti Book Festival, ki fèt chak ane nan mwa d me. Depi 1985, Sosyete Koukouy, Inc. ap travay pou prezève kilti ayisyèn nan Ozetazini. Misyon li se prezèvasyon ak pwomosyon kilti peyi Ayiti, e piblik li vize se non sèlman moun ki pale kreyòl, men se moun ki pa pale kreyòl tou.
Support the Miami Book Fair and be part of Miami's commitment to expanding and strengthening Miami's literary culture.